Zion Lutheran Church Congregation

  • Excerpt from July, 2024 "The Mountain Top Messenger" newsletter...

    I pray you all had an enjoyable Fourth of July Holiday. June and I spent the day recuperating at our camper at Little Girls Point, as I had a summer cold and then shared it with her...
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1111 11th Avenue West ● Ashland, WI 54806 ● (715) 682-6075 ● inquiry@zionashland.org

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Youth Activities
Sunday School
10:15am September thru May, offering Christian Bible lessons, activities and songs to students grades PreK thru 8th grade.
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High School Youth Group
Monthy meeting and activity night.
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Vacation Bible School
Another great opportunity to administer the Word to the youth through Christian Bible lessons, activities, arts and crafts, and songs. Vacation Bible School at Zion is a week in June.
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Children's Choir Group "On Hold"
In addition to Zion's Adult Choir, the Children's Choir also helps to make church services more enjoyable by providing uplifting spiritual music. Practice is immediately following the Sunday worship service. We are looking for someone to take over the choir — please contact the office.
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Youth Confirmation
Public profession of faith prepared for after 3 years of careful instruction starting at 6th grade.
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A variety of year-round outdoor ministry programs are offered for people of all ages. Each year the North Wisconsin District sponsors the "Every Kid to Camp" program which offers a limited number of FREE camperships each year to members of the congregations in the North Wisconsin District.
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