Zion Lutheran Church Congregation

  • Excerpt from October, 2024 "The Mountain Top Messenger" newsletter...

    Fall is here! While it doesn't feel like it yet, at the time of this writing, summer seems to be hanging on tightly with highs still in the seventies and even an 80 or two. But I think we all know that is going to change soon...
    read more
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1111 11th Avenue West ● Ashland, WI 54806 ● (715) 682-6075 ● inquiry@zionashland.org

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Lutheran World Relief

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Adult Activities
Bible Study
Mondays, starting September 7th, 10:00am — please check monthly calendar for any dates that they may not meet.
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Men's Bible Breakfast
Feed the body and soul every Thursday morning at 6:00am.
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Dartball League
Monday nights at 7:30pm. Healthy Christian male competition and fellowship. Hosted by area churches September thru March.
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Quilts made at Zion go to the Orphan Grain Train. Local fire victims and baby quilts go to babies baptized at Zion. Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm
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Choir Group
Helps to make church services more enjoyable by providing uplifting spiritual music. Everyone is welcome to join. Adult choir (high school and older) meets on Wednesdays, starting September 23rd, at 5:45pm. Please check monthly calendar for any dates that they may not meet or time changes.
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The Truth Project The Truth Project
To counter this downward slide within the body of Christ, Focus on the Family has launched one of the most ambitious and powerful projects in the history of their ministry — The Truth Project. New classes will be starting — please contact the office.
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A variety of additional home Bible Study groups meet throughout the year, including Adult Confirmation classes. Check with the church office for topics and dates.
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