Zion Lutheran Church Congregation

  • Excerpt from February, 2025 "The Mountain Top Messenger" newsletter...

    Well, here we are February, first month of the promised monthly writing on the Ten Commandments. And here I am backing off just a hair, let me explain...
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1111 11th Avenue West ● Ashland, WI 54806 ● (715) 682-6075 ● inquiry@zionashland.org

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Lutheran World Relief

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Give a Gift

Memorial Fund

Giving a gift to Zion's Memorial Fund is a wonderful way to remember and honor loved ones. Simply specify where you would like your gifts used; an existing need, a larger project fund, or for an item on our continuous wish list.

A contribution toward a specific project is always welcomed. If you are interested in contributing to a new project for Zion, please refer to Zion's guidelines for new projects. For questions or more information please contact the Memorial Fund Committee Treasurer, Brenda Schwiesow at (715) 682-4292.

Contributions should be designated to the "ZION LUTHERAN MEMORIAL FUND"

"Give and it will be given to you."
Luke 6:38
Type of Gift

One-Time Gift Weekly Gift Monthly Gift

Designated Project:

(name of project)
Memorial Fund:

(person being honored)

Where would you like your gift used?

Existing Need Larger Project Continuous Wish List

Amount of Gift:

I would like to give my time & talent!


Daytime Phone:

Email Address: