A Statement of Scriptual & Confessional Principles:
Law & Gospel
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We believe that the two chief doctrines of Holy Scripture, Law and Gospel, must be constantly
and diligently proclaimed in the church of God until the end of the world, but with due distinction
(FC, SD, V, 24).
The Law, as the expression of God's immutable will, is to be used by the church to bring men to a
knowledge of their sins as well as to provide Christians with instruction about good works (FC, SD, V, 17-18).
The Gospel receives the primary emphasis in the ministry of the New Testament, for it is the message
that "God forgives them all their sins through Christ, accepts them for His sake as God's children,
and out of pure grace, without any merit of their own, justifies and saves them." (FC, SD, V, 25)
We therefore reject the following:
1. That the Gospel is any message or action which brings good news to a bad situation.
2. That the Gospel is a norm or standard for the Christian life, or that the Gospel, in effect, imposes
a new law upon the Christian.
3. That what God's Law declares to be sinful (for example, adultery or theft) need not be regarded
as sinful in all times and situations.
4. That Christians, as men who have been freed from the curse of the Law, no longer need the
instruction of the Law to know what God's will is for their life and conduct.